Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Mole

What is a Mole?
A mole is simply a unit of measurement. Units are invented when existing units are inadequate. A pure substance that containg the same number of chemical usints as there are in atoms. (i.e., 6.022 X 10^23)

Different gases have a constant ratio
-oxygen : hydrogen      16:1     <---these numbers are the atomic weight

Avogadro's Number!

 Avogadro's number, also known as Avogadro's constant, is defined as the quantity of atoms in precisely 12 grams of 12C. The designation is a recognition of Amedeo Avogadro, who was the first to state that a gas' volume is proportional to how many atoms it has. Avogadro's number is given as 6.02214179 x 10^23. Equal volumes of differest gases at the same temperature and pressure have the same number of particle. 

Relative masses are measured in Atomic Mass Unit, also written like 'amu.'

Formula Mass
Ionic- Add amu's
All atoms of a formula of an ionic comound (amu). When figuring out the atomic mass units, be sure to add the mass of each atom.
Ex.Potassium Fluoride
             K           F
           39.1       19
     39.1+19= 58.1amu

Molecular Mass
Atoms of a formula in covalent compound (amu)
Ex. Carbon Dioxide
         C         O2
      12.0   +    (16.2 X 2)

Molar Mass
Atomic/molecular/formula mass of any pure substanse (g/mol)

Ex. What is 1 mole of oxygen?
       Answer: 16g/mol

Check out this video guyss ! Thanksss!

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