Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Functional Groups

Halids and Nitro compounds can be attached to alkanes, alkenes and alkydes

Halogens                  Nitro
Fluro                        NO2 Nitro

Properties of halogenated: F Cl Br I are insoluble in water, F is nonreactive (Teflon) 
Properties of nitro compounds: insoluble in water, unreactive to chemical attack except under drastic conditions, tend to be explosive (TNT), pleasant odour
have an O-H added to the compound
the ending changes from ane to anol
Properties: soluble (except C-H chain), poisonous

double bonded oxygen at the end of the chain
the ending changes from ane to al

double bonded oxygen added to the middle of a chain
the ending changes from ane to one

soluble in water, aldehydes (very reactive) =>carboxylic acids, Keytones are relatively unreactive

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Alkenes and Alkynes

OH! Why hello there,
I didn't see you come in.
Spoiler alert: this blog post is about alkenes and alkynes
but you probably knew that if you read the title.
but apparently it's cool if I pretend that we all didn't know
I'm sorry! I just want to fit in D:

Alkenes and Alkynes are carbons that can form double and triple bonds with carbon atoms respectively.
They have rules that are almost the same as alkanes (Position of bonds always has the lowest number and is put in front of the parent chain)

  • one or more double bonds between carbon atoms
  • lead to unsaturated hydrocarbon
  • ending changed from -ane for alkanes to -ene for alkenes
  • use the same general formula CnH2n

Practice: draw 3-ethyl-2-pentene

                name this alkene

  • geometric isomers
    • molecules that have the same structure but different geometry
    • they must be distinguished by giving each a different name based on geometry
    • compare groups attached to bonds
  • If two adjacent carbons are bonded and have side chains on them 2 possible compounds are possible

  • If the larger group is above (RR) or below (HH) the double bond is termed 'cis'
  • If the larger groups are diagonal (RH), the double bond is termed 'trans'

  • one or more triple bonds
  • ending changes from -ane for alkanes, -ene for alkenes to -yne for alkynes
  • general formula is CnH2n-2
  • same naming rules but without the cis or trans

Practice: Draw 2,2-dimethyl-3-hexyne.
                 Name this alkyne.

Now would you look at that? We finished a lesson even when I didn't hear you knock!
Here is a work sheet:


What? You're back??
and you STILL didn't knock?!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Carbon chains have three patterns

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons with only single bonds containing only Hydrogen and Carbon.
The names of alkanes end with ane and have a corresponding prefix with the number of Carbons
These are examples of straight carbon chains

Side branches can be added to the main/ parent chain to form branched chains.
The groups added to main chain are called alkyls.
We will explore alkyls in more detail in our next post

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Electronegativity and Polarity

Electrostatic Force
Is a force that exists between charged particles
-Opposite charges attract
-Like charges repel
-The greater the distance between forces => lesser force
-The lesser the distance between forces => greater force
- The force operates equally in all directions

Ionic Bonds
-Electrons are transferred
cations- positive ion
anion- negative ion
Bonds are formed in the shape of crystal lattice
These are very strong bonds and therefore have a high melting point

Covalent Bonds
-electrons are shared
-intramolecular covalent bonds are held together by intermolecular forces (weak)

-Intra forces are found within, they hold atoms of a molecule together (strong)
-Inter forces are forces between molecules (weak)

-Is the tendency to attract electrons => determines what type of bond will form
- Pauling Scale from 0.7-> 4.0
ENeg difference = abs(ENeg1-ENeg2)
ENeg difference will determine the type of bond formed

electrical imbalance=> polar
When ENeg difference is less than 0.5 it is non-polar covalent
When ENeg difference is between 0.5 and 1.8 it is polar covalent
All other ENeg differences are ionic so non-polar

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lewis Diagrams

Lewis Diagrams are a way of visualizing what is happening in the outermost shell on atoms.
They only show the valance electrons and are therefore handy when dealing with bonding.
Here are a few examples


Here is a video on lewis and dot diagrams

Electron Dot and Lewis Diagrams

So for todays class we learned about the Electron Dot and Lewis Structures. It was mainly review with a few minor new things. I will keep this short, and sweet! Enjoy :)

These are a couple of ways you can draw bohr diagrams.....but before i show you, just keep in mind, that when you draw dots on around the symbol of the specific element, you would have to know the number of valence electrons of the required element.

Here's the example.....

This is a breif video about how to make Lewis Structures.

Here are the steps on making a Lewis Structure;

  • Draw the atoms on paper and put dots around them to represent valence electrons of the atom. Be sure to have the correct number of electrons.

  • If the species is an ion, add or subtract electrons corresponding to the charge of the ion. Add an electron for every negative (-) charge, and subtract an electrons for every positive (+) charge.

  • Consider bonding between atoms by sharing electrons, some may come from one atom.

  • If possible, apply the octet rule to your structure. Some structures don't obey the octet rule, but explain why.

  • Assign formal charges to atoms in the structure

  • Check out this website and try out the problems !

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    History of the Periodic Table

    Today we shall be investigating the history of the periodic table!
    Excuse me while I grab Micheal J. Foxx for our read today.

    In the beginning
    Chemists were starting to discover a lot of elements (62 by 1863).
    They needed some kind of organization.
    William Odling
    • in 1857 separated known elements into 13 groups based on their physical and chemical properties
    John Newlands
    • in 1863 showed that by assigning Hydrogen an arbitrary mass of 1 and ordering known elements by masses, every 8th element shared comment set of properties. (Law of Octaves)
    • this failed to predict elements and constantly changed the order the elements
    Dimitri Mendeleev
      Published method organizing the elements according to their masses and properties
      • Showed elements listing according to masses and certain properties recurred periodically 
      • broke list into series of rows/periods and columns/groups
      • placed elements in certain groups based on properties in spite of contrary indications by its mass
      He left gaps in his table, proposing that there where elements yet to be discovered
      This allowed chemists to organize, understand data and predict new properties

      Modern Periodic Table
      Organized by atomic number rather than mass
      Periodic Law summarizes the periodic table

      • properties of the chemical elements recur periodically when the elements are arranged from lowest to highest atomic numbers
      Major divisions of the periodic table are

      • periods: set of all elements in a given row across the table
      • groups/families: set of all elements in a given column going down the table
      Chemical Families

      • Metal and NonMetal Properties

      • Metalloids
        • or semiconductors are non-metals with electrical conductivity that increase with temperature
        • have properties resembling metals more than non-metals
        • the difference between metals and metalloids is
          • metals conductivity decreases with increasing temperature
          • metalloids conductivity increase with increasing temperature

      Now that you are familiar with the periodic table, let us celebrate with a song!