Saturday, January 8, 2011

Diluting Solutions to Prepare Workable Solutions

To ship chemicals around the world they are concentrated to their lowest form. This means they contain hardly any water. It would be pointless if they contained water because you would just be spending money on shipping water about. Because of this we need to be able to prepare solutions by adding the correct amount of water to receive the desired molarity.

Eg, I have 1L of 18.0M HCl           I need 0.600L of 3.00M HCl

**The moles you start with are the moles you end with***

Formula M1L1=M2L2
 this is because the moles stay the same and each side is  formula for calculating # Moles.

Therefore. 1x 18= 18 moles               0.600x 3= 1.8 moles

1.8/18 = 0.1

That means we need 0.1L of the original solution plus water to to make the total volume equal 0.800L

Here is a process of what you do once you've calculated how much water you need!

And if that went to fast for you here is another one

Actually the send one is far more detailed than the first one, but i like the music in the first one.

Here is a picture depicting this process

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