Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chemical Reactions with Special Guest Energy Diagrams

I mean, after nine years Seinfeld, how could we?
I apologize. After Egypt, things have calmed down.
Not much mind blowing news today...
...unless IM hiding under a rock.
....then I need to read the news more.

Speaking of, not the grammatical error. 
All chemical reactions involve changes in energy;
some release energy - exothermic
some absorb energy - endothermic

sound familiar? it should!
  • exothermic reactions take less energy to break bonds than it gives off to form bonds
  • endothermic reactions take more energy to break bonds than it gives off to form bonds

enthalpy (H) is the heat contained in the system
and with this information we can now begin our lesson on energy diagrams
  • charts the potential energy changes from reactants to products

and with a chart always comes more information!
  • Energy of Reactants (before hill)- total potential energy of all reactants in reaction
  • Energy of Products (after hill) - total potential energy of all products in the reaction
  • Energy of the Activated Complex (labeled transition state above) - the change in enthalpy in potential energy during reaction
  • Activation Energy (energy of activated complex - energy of reactants) - energy that must be added to get reaction to progress
  • change in enthalpy (ΔH) - change in enthalpy in potential energy during the reaction
and with information comes work!
  • once ΔH is found ...
  • ... you can write out an equations
    • if ΔH  is negative than the energy is on the right side of the equation
    • if ΔH is positive than the energy is on the left side of the equation
click it! CLICK IT NOW

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