Friday, September 24, 2010

Even MORE Unit Conversion!

unit conversion quiz on Monday September 27th!

In the last post we learned about unit conversions! To recap unit conversions:
  • convert 2 mg to grams
  • start by writing out the equation:
  • 2 mg x 10^3 mg/1 g
  • to get 2 x 10^-3g or 0.002g

To continue with unit conversions, let us try a more complicated conversion:
  • convert 10km/h to m/s
  • we now have 2 units that need to be converted; km to m and h to min to s
  • let's start by writing out the equation:
10km x 10^3m x 1h x 1min
 1h         1km    60min  60s 
  • we than cancel out units and multiply:
10km x 10^3m x 1hx 1min
  1h         1km   60min  60s
  • to get 2.77777778m/s or 2.8m/s
And for the quiz next class...
...a table of unit conversions!
have fun on the long weekend, and study hard!


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