Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Electron Dot and Lewis Diagrams

So for todays class we learned about the Electron Dot and Lewis Structures. It was mainly review with a few minor new things. I will keep this short, and sweet! Enjoy :)

These are a couple of ways you can draw bohr diagrams.....but before i show you, just keep in mind, that when you draw dots on around the symbol of the specific element, you would have to know the number of valence electrons of the required element.

Here's the example.....

This is a breif video about how to make Lewis Structures.


Here are the steps on making a Lewis Structure;

  • Draw the atoms on paper and put dots around them to represent valence electrons of the atom. Be sure to have the correct number of electrons.

  • If the species is an ion, add or subtract electrons corresponding to the charge of the ion. Add an electron for every negative (-) charge, and subtract an electrons for every positive (+) charge.

  • Consider bonding between atoms by sharing electrons, some may come from one atom.

  • If possible, apply the octet rule to your structure. Some structures don't obey the octet rule, but explain why.

  • Assign formal charges to atoms in the structure

  • Check out this website and try out the problems !


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